Saturday, February 7, 2009

WOMEN && YOUNG GIRLS! please read this, it could save your life!!!!!?

271>i just wanted to tell you women/young girl%26#039;s out there who are afraid of applying deodorant because of a recent news report shown on Television, CBS and ABC, that you don%26#039;t have to put your arms down in shame for fear of cancer.

here%26#039;s what%26#039;s true

ANTIPRESPIRANT- do cause cancer

PRESPIRANTS- however, do not.

antiperspirants prevent you from perspiring, therefore they dont allow your body to get rid of the toxins within your body, and when they cant come out of your pores in your armpit, groin, etc, they dont just disappear, they instead go into the LYMPH node below the arm, where the breast is located, and then this causes a high concentration of toxins and leads to cell mutation%26#039;s OTHERWISE KNOWN AS CANCER.

nearly 80% of all breast cancer tumors occur in the upper outside quadrant of the breast area. This is PRECISELY where the lymph nodes are located.

especially right after women shave, and then apply antiprespirant? big NO-NO. this increases the risk of getting cancer.

So, I hope this myth was resolved.

next time they tell you deodorant causes cancer, dont be scared. pick up your deodorant and put it on! AS LONG AS IT%26#039;S NOT an ANTI-prespirant!!!!! read the labels to make sure!!

if you want more information on the body, breast cancer, how to prevent it and tips on beauty contact me.

Reply:There is no conclusive evidence that deoderant OR antiperspirants cause cancer. Please provide documented evidence (reports and studies) and not just state something that you %26#039;heard%26#039;. Despite all the studies done and reports . . there still is no clear evidence that links antipersperants to cancer. Breast cancer has existed since at least Hippocrates and is considered an ancient disease. It was here long before deoderant or anti-perspirants.

American Cancer Society: Breast cancer and antiperspirants

National Cancer Institute: Breast cancer and antiperspirants

Urban Legends
Reply:Amen....I also read that Antiperspirant can cause alzheimers, the aluminum in it, so my fiance and I both stopped using it. He uses a deodorant by old spice, and I started using toms of maine natural deodorant. They work surprisingly well, though on really hot days we do have to apply more than once.
Reply:I never knew that. Thanks for telling.
Reply:Hi,I do not use it.

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