Saturday, February 7, 2009

Menopause medication?

297>I had a full radical hysterectomy 6 months ago and the doctor has not given me any medication for hormone replacement therapy. I should add that I had uterine cancer and am only 34 years old. He said that he could not prescribe me estrogen because of having cancer, something about the chances for repeat cancer if I do take it. I%26#039;m just looking for something over the counter that I might be able to use to help with the symptoms of menopause. He wanted to put me on an anti depressant and I don%26#039;t want to go that route, I%26#039;m not depressed, I%26#039;m just HOT, lol. Any suggestions?
Reply:I am going through menopause as we speak. I cannot take snythetic hormones either cause I have other risk factors. I didn%26#039;t want to go on anti-depressants either but after having really bad mood swings, and you will get them, I started taking them.

I don%26#039;t regret it for a minute. You have a good doctor. I tried the OTC stuff but it didn%26#039;t help.
Reply:a fan
Reply:The doctor wanted to put you on anti-depressants simply to balance out some of the hormonal changes caused by;s not just if you%26#039;re feeling depressed. Some of them can also be used for mood stabilzers. Right now it is very important that you are taking at least 1800 mg of Calcium every day (and spread out too) Take them with each meal during the day. Whatever calcium you do not absorb will be urinated out. Along with your calcium, you must take Vitamin D with it so your body absorbs it! Hope I helped!
Reply:There is a couple of all-natural products that you might want to consider. They are not available OTC but through a website.

Menopause Balance Complex - Uses compounds found in plants called phytoestrogens to ease mood swings, sleeplessness, and hot flashes associated with menopause.

Contains a standardized extract of black cohosh as well as soy isoflavones and flaxseed. Also contains a proprietary phytoestrogen blend of dong quai, red clover and licorice. No artificial colors or flavors. No synthetic preservatives.

Menopause Balance Complex - It%26#039;s progesterone-free and may be used as often as needed without side effects. Pleasantly scented.

Contains a proprietary, synergistic blend of more than a dozen natural herbs including black cohosh, soy isoflavones, evening primrose extact, flaxseed, and jojoba seed oils.

Hope this is useful and feel free to contact me with questions or the website.
Reply:Coping With Premenopause

Today%26#039;s Woman with Dr. Judith Reichman:

As a woman grows older, her body changes. A woman in her forties may

experience hot flashes, mood swings and irregular menstrual periods as she

enters into %26quot;perimenopause,%26quot; a time of fluctuating hormones and physiological

changes before the onset of menopause. %26#039;Today%26#039; contributor Dr. Judith

Reichman encourages women to celebrate the natural progression of their

bodies and learn as much about the process as possible.


In her book, %26quot;I%26#039;m Too Young to Grow Old,%26quot; Dr. Reichman reports that the

average age of perimenopause is 47.5 years old and the average age of natural

menopause (the complete cessation of a woman%26#039;s menstrual cycle) is 51.3 years

old. For the interim 3.8 years before, a woman will experience decreases in

her estrogen and progesterone levels that can trigger perimenopausal symptoms.


Perimenopausal symptoms can occur gradually over time. Women do not need to

have ALL of the symptoms to be perimenopausal. As a woman%26#039;s hormone levels

fluctuate, it is also possible to feel several symptoms before you are at

your perimenopausal %26#039;peak%26#039;, which is usually defined by irregular cycles. The

following are the main symptoms of perimenopause:

MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITY: Shortened cycles: shortened length of time between

cycles (due to lower production of estrogen); Longer cycles: longer length of

time between cycles (due to decreases in progesterone); Heavy bleeding:

caused by the absence of ovulation, which results in low progesterone levels;

Light bleeding: low levels of progesterone and estrogen; No bleeding: no

progesterone or estrogen

HOT FLASHES: Over 50% of women experience hot flashes during perimenopause.

Falling estrogen levels affect the production of hormones or proteins, which

in turn influence the brain%26#039;s temperature-regulating center. Hot flashes

normally last 3 to 5 minutes and are characterized by feelings of anxiety,

increased heart rate, reddening of the skin and perspiration. Hot flashes can

also be caused by alcohol or panic attacks.

MOOD SWINGS: Because fluctuations in hormones are so erratic, many women

experience extreme PMS symptoms such as irritability, tearfulness, excessive

worry, mood instability, food cravings and increased appetite, decreased

energy, decreased libido, poor motivation, early morning wakening,

interrupted sleep and emotional detachment.

Other symptoms of lowering estrogen levels that come with perimenopause

include sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness and increased appetite.

Benefits %26amp; Safety Of Using Natural Progesterone

While natural progesterone has been referred to as a progestin because it maintains the lining of the uterus, it is technically separate and totally different from synthetic progestins. In addition, natural progesterone provides a number of biological

actions which progestins do not. Some additional benefits reported with the use of natural progesterone include:

- reduces joint pain and swelling

- enhances skin moisture

- fades liver spots

- heals wounds faster

- reduces yeast infections

- supports the immune system

- protects against the side effects of unopposed estrogen

- tranquilizes

- promotes sleep

Therapeutic Applications of Natural Progesterone

In fact, there are many therapeutic uses for progesterone that promote health and well-being. Here is a short list of some of those benefits:

- helps to prevent osteoporosis, the formation of fibrocystic

breasts, and breast cancer

- normalizes zinc and copper levels and maintains the secretory


- contributes to regulating the thyroid gland and blood clotting


- acts as an antidepressant and precursor to corticosterones

- necessary for the proper production of adrenal hormones

- works to stabilize blood sugar and prevent salt retention

- enhances libido and thermogenesis (the burning of fat)

- protects the uterus and breasts from malignancies

- aids the survival and development of the fetus

- has a natural diuretic action

- is very hydrating to the skin in transdermal form

Safety of Natural Progesterone

Natural progesterone is one of the safest supplements available. In contrast to synthetic progestins, it has little or not side effects. Some women may experience an estrogen reaction upon first introducing natural progesterone to their system, and in these cases, estrogen-related symptoms may temporarily become worse. If this occurs, natural progesterone should be continued or dosages adjusted until hormonal balance is achieved. Incidental spotting between periods also may occur but is usually resolved within three to five cycles. The use of natural progesterone has not been linked to any form of human cancers.

There is no known interference or alteration from combining natural progesterone with other drugs. No adverse effects of natural progesterone have been reported on the developing fetus of pregnant women, unlike its synthetic counterparts, however its use in pregnant or nursing mothers has not been clinically documented.

Article from, The Natural and Safe Way to Hormonal Balance, by

Rita Elkins M.H.

Need more info?...e-mail me


Michelle Jones
Reply:Sounds like you are now going through an early menopause, due to the hysterectomy. I can certainly relate, I also had a hysterectomy at 27, but was not due to uterine cancer. However, it threw me right into menopause, hot flashes, night sweats, the whole thing, you just don%26#039;t feel right, and you know its not the way you felt before you had the surgery.

If you will go to your nearest Vitamin food store, drug store, Wal-Mart, or your supermarket, you can pick up a bottle of Black Cohosh Root in the vitamin section of the store, it sells for like $9 or $10 dollars. Take it as directed and you will be feeling much better in no time. You may need to continue taking it for a while until you feel like your old self again. It really does work, it did for me.

Good Luck and

Reply:here are some good natural remedies

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