Saturday, February 7, 2009

Are you aware of friendly bacteria and their sources ?

264>Disease and its treatment ?

There is a simple alternative philosophy concerning disease and its treatment. While Scienitest are still discovering that bad bacteria is a part of diseases that are considered of unknown origin such as Crohns and IBS, there is also another opposite positive side to bacteria.

Most of us, don%26#039;t realize that there are %26#039;friendly bacteria%26quot; (not all bacteria is bad) the same kind found in yogurt and cheeses that help the body digest food.

An imbalance or contamination of this intestinal flora may cause IBS, Crohns, MS, Depression, Schizophrenia and even Cancer.

Problem is that when you are given too much anti-biotics, some of the friendly bacteria is killed making people anemic and sick due to a lack of proper chemcials.

BAck to the question, are you aware of %26#039;friendly bacteria%26quot; and their sources ?
Reply:Friendly bacteria can be found in foods like yoghurt and in medicines, like Ultra-levure. This medicine is given as a coadjuvant to the antibiotics to %26quot;eliminate%26quot; their %26quot;bad%26quot; potency to create fungal diseases after long term treatments with antibiotics.

It is active to the flora bacteria of the intestine and it is administered also to the diarrhoea of children.

Reply:You are wellcome, caesar. Ultra-levure (saccaromyces boulardi) is the very 1st probiotic drug, produced by BIOCODEX, in 1953, as an intestinal flora replacement. Report It

Reply:About your question, well, they should advice its use contemporaneously with antibiotics, especially if those are taken for a long time, to protect the intestinal flora and avoid diarrhoea or fungal diseases.

But quite often they ignore it. Report It

Reply:From my experience in the pharmacy, it is more prescribed to children%26#039;s diarrhoea.

This is a link where can be found or asked more. Report It

Reply:Yes I am. I eat yogurt all the time.
Reply:Yes - Optiflora, the only product that guarantees delivery of live %26quot;good bacteria%26quot; to the intestines.
Reply:Yogert, Stoneyfield farm has 5 different kinds.
Reply:Yah, there%26#039;s my yogurt and then theres the ones in my intestines. Theres also bacteria used to ferment yeast from pyruvic acid (to make ethanol or drinking alcohol/beer), and the yogurt enzymes are basically formed by bacteria making lactic acid.
Reply:acidolphilous...lactos bacillius......

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