Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why don't we see any graphic anti-smoking ads on TV?

149>With teen smoking on the rise, do people really think these cheesy %26quot;don%26#039;t give into peer pressure%26quot; anti-smoking ads are really effective? I%26#039;ve seen some graphic ads on youtube that air in other countries. One showed a person with severe throat cancer talking about how they are on kemo therapy and another showing a guy with a voice box. I truly believe these graphic ads are going to be the most effective, so what aren%26#039;t they being shown?
Reply:maybe is just a regional thing, but i%26#039;ve seen plenty of those kind of ads where i live. i%26#039;ve seen one with a man with one of those %26#039;voice box%26#039; things, and one with an older lady saying how she never smoked but is dying of lung cancer, now theres one playing where they show the camera point of view of a person in a hospital room and the doctor tells them they have cancer, or heart disese, or all these other things.
Reply:I%26#039;m not sure where you live but in the state of NY they have plenty. I have seen smoke coming from children%26#039;s mouths, a foot with gangreen, and also an operation with a lung that has suffered from years of smoking. I do agree, I think we should have more of them
Reply:they definately do. in nyc at least. they have one showing a doctor removing someones ankle due to gangrene. one where a doc takes out someones artery and squeezes out a cottage cheese looking mass saying its a clot due to smoking. they show one man with no leg standing in a park telling his story (that ones fake in the commercial he said hes been smoking 4 years then lost his leg i dont believe that one) also one where they discuss tar and lungs and squeeze out black glue from a sponge saying this is your lungs, another one showing a girl saying i dont want to be like my mom because shes dead because she smokes (this ones fake too because theres another version where the mom is alive hooked up to a ventilator. then another one with a spanish man uptown showing his tracheotomy hole. and these commercials do nothing for me because i know plenty of old women in bklyn who smoked their whole lives and are fine... and i know more who never smoked or drank and died from cervical cancer so everyone will die someway whether they smoke or not..........

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