Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is Cancer a type of fungus infection,As a builder I am called in to deal with Dry Rot in woodwork Dry Rot is?

109>a fungus infection of the wood, to get rid of it I cut the infected wood back to one yard past the infection and spray the remaining good wood with a liquid fungus killer, if its in brickwork every brick has to be injected with this liquid fungus killer. If I don't kill the fungus properly it comes back and spreads twice as quick in a very aggressive way growing tumors as well (we call the growing of tumors in dry rot "fruiting"), if this happens its very hard to get rid of it, we have to cut out the bad wood and completely spray everything with the liquid fungus killer until it dosn't come back, it seems to behave just like Cancer. Some years ago I had a fungus infection on my hands, So I saw a skin specialist and he told me that I would have to take some anti fungus drugs for six months and this cured it, I have often wondered if these same anti fungus drugs would cure some kinds of Cacer even if you had to take them for years, there very cheap and have almost no side effects
Reply:Some cancers are caused by viruses (cervical cancer for example), but i don't know of any cancers that are caused by fungal infections. I'd be more worried about possible carcinogens in the fungicides you are using.
Reply:No, a fungus infection is not like cancer - it is like an infection of any kind. Cancer is when normal cells get out of wack and grow out of control. An infection is an invasion by a foreign species.

antifungal drugs don't have side effects because they are designed to attack structures in fungus which are not present in mammalian cells. Things like cell walls, which plants and funghi have but animal cells don't. So they would have no effect on cancer because cancer cells don't have those things attacked by the drugs
Reply:No cancer isn't a fungus infection because if it was it would be so much easier to treat. I would be more worried about the carciogens that you are using in the fugus killer

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