Sunday, August 2, 2009

Breast cancer?

555>the skin on my breasts are dry and flaky and it itches...can this be breast cancer?

Dry flaky skin is not usually a symptom of breast cancer. Do you have a rash or acne type breakout of any kind?

To be on the safe side see a doctor and schedule a mammogram. Please don't self diagnose. Meanwhile, don't worry! It doesn't help.

Amy. Registered nurse

a two time breast cancer survivor
Reply:probably not sounds like eczema......any discharge?
Reply:It would be best to go to the doctor and get checked it could be just dry skin, If you haven't had a mamo. you might need to get one. Have you noticed any other changes in your breast? If so please go to the doctor immediately.
Reply:It is ALWAYS best to see a doctor about any changes in your breast.

There is a type of breast cancer that is called inflammatory breast cancer...or IBC, that does present differently from lumps found.

As a survivor of breast cancer I can truly say that early detection is KEY. PLEASE call your doctor and get an appointment as soon as possible. It may well be just a skin condition that can be treated with creams or ointments, but you'll be better off having the doctor diagnosis it.

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