Sunday, August 2, 2009

Breast Cancer?

563>My mom might have breast cancer, but she said she doesn't have a lump. She's had two mammograms in the past two weeks and now we're waiting to see what the docter says. Can you exhibit no physicals signs and still have cancer?
Reply:Here is a brief answer to your question:

There is no reason to panic if you are called back for more tests. About 1 in 20 women (5%) are called back in the UK breast screening programme. But only 1 in 8 of this 5% who are called back will turn out to have cancer. That's only about 7 out of every 1,000 women having breast screening.

So out of every 8 women called back, 7 will be fine. These women will have had some unnecessary anxiety. But the doctors have to err on the safe side otherwise they would increase the risk of missing cancers. Cancers that are picked up by the screening programme tend to be diagnosed very early on in their development. This usually means they are easier to treat, need less treatment and are more likely to be cured.
Reply:not to scare you or anything, but yes.

especially with breast cancer, it is extremley hard to notice a cancerous lump.

but getting mamograms are good since the lump might be small and easy to get out.

my grandmother had breast cancer and she survived.

there are many wonderful medicines and treatments, do not worry your mom will be fine, if she does have breast cancer.

best of luck 鈾||cancer basically starts when a cell starts to double in the wrong way. this happens alot in our boddies, and our immune system usually overcomes those wrong cell outcomes, but sometimes it gets out of control and each cell devides to many other cells and makes a lump. this is when u can feel the lump by thouching ur breast. but the cancer has started long ago when the wrong division started. so sometimes the cell cluster is not that big to make a noticable lump but there is still a cancer begun. ur mom is VERY LUCKY to determine it this soon, b/c it's alot easier to get the right medications and to be just back to her normal life. too many mamograms is also not very nice, but i'm sure her doc. does pay attention to the amount of radiation that she is getting, and he's keeping it on the safe side. this is usually a genetic issue, which makes u concern about u or if u have any sister, in the future years, so u will find it before it's too late like ur mom did.

i wish u all good luck

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