Friday, April 17, 2009

Would you vote for a President if you knew his wife was going to die while he was in office?

429>Seriously, would any President be a good one if his wife lost a long, hard-fought battle against cancer? Wouldn%26#039;t he be totally distraught? How is he going to deal with Iran and Korea if he is in a dark room grieving? You could say, %26quot;Ah, he%26#039;ll get over it.%26quot; But you just don%26#039;t know. Politicians--believe it or not--are people, too. They are subject to being distracted, getting depressed, and needing some time to get affairs in order. Would you be really comfortable knowing that your President is about to start taking a new anti-depressant? Those things have side-effects in some people, you know...

And if he is not grieving, what does that say about him??? Shouldn%26#039;t he be spending the last few months of his wife%26#039;s life with her??? What does that say about this man???
Reply:Yes. But I would not vote for a multi-millionaire who refuses to drop whatever he is doing and make his dying wife%26#039;s last 5 years the best of her life, instead of trying to fill his need for power.
Reply:Whether or not he is a Christian, he still has an obligation to his wife. He promised to love her, %26quot;Till death do us part,%26quot; not %26quot;until I get a chance to be President.%26quot; Being Christian doesn%26#039;t free him to neglect her. Nor does it make him immune to being saddened by the loss of a soul-mate. Report It

Reply:Do you know something we don%26#039;t? Just curious...
Reply:What difference would it make? Sure, he%26#039;d be sad and grieving, but the work load would help him get through it.
Reply:Give me a site where it says Edwards is going to be taking antidepressants. What is this another right wing propaganda lie? Cons voted for a coke snorting untreated alcoholic. We know Bush is drinking again. Anyone can see it by the way his face is all pinched and wrinkled. What does that say about Bushie? That he is still the AWOL frat boy he always has been?

Yes, I would and will vote for John Edwards, even if I thought his wife was going to die in office.

Elizabeth Edwards wants her husband to be president. She wants to spend the time campaigning with her husband. It is her choice and I honor her choice.
Reply:You shouldn%26#039;t judge his intelligence and his family life in the same content. His focus on his job is one facet of a person and his ability to grieve another. You would need to know the cord of his family values and his christian beliefs. Some religions embrace death as another chapter. I certainly would not stop myself from voting for someone in that case. The most important issue is his platform and commitment to his job. His personal issues aside.
Reply:I dont think he%26#039;ll win the election but that doesnt have anything to do with his wife. Leave it alone. You shouldnt kick nice people when theyre down.
Reply:This is a very good question. My first instinct was to say the imminent death wouldn%26#039;t sway my decision. But as you pointed out, it would affect the President%26#039;s mental and emotional health. Would he/she be able to function rationally? Very good question. But I would have to go with my first thought and say it wouldn%26#039;t change my vote.
Reply:I don%26#039;t know who you are referring to but really, I would judge a man at his word well, if I believed him. If someone is running for office and I trust them, I am going to trust that is able to do the job. Life takes turns for everybody. It would be really hard to find a president that didn%26#039;t have some kind of personal tragedy over the 4 or 8 years he was in office. Besides, being president would be a tragedy in itself.

Maybe he would be inspired to be more honest and sincere if anything.
Reply:Sure thing....if Bill Clinton were running.
Reply:Pity is not what Bush deserves. My heart goes out to Laura. However, Bush is currently the leader of the U.S. If misfortune finds itself the Bush family, then either Bush will need to become stronger or Cheney will need to step in.
Reply:Why not. The family circumstances don%26#039;t have to make any differences if a president is strong. I still hope his wife will be OK. I would give him a vote.
Reply:This is a pertinent question, but you go overboard asking it. A president can function in his/her capacity even in the face of the death of a loved one. Abraham Lincoln%26#039;s son died while he was in office and during the Civil War. Lincoln is considered one of the best presidents ever.

Of course this is a question in reference to John Edwards. And if his wife does die while in office, of course he will grieve for her. And who says he would need an anti-depressant. I%26#039;ve had loved ones die and not needed anti-depressants. I still grieved however. And the fact is no one knows when she will die. It could be ten years from now, so the argument about spending the last few months with her doesn%26#039;t fly. And if she did begin the process of dying then he would make time to be with her and he would still handle his responsibilities. I mean Bush takes his super long vacations to the Crawford ranch three or four times a year and no one says that he doesn%26#039;t handle his repsonsibilities. Oh, I%26#039;m sorry they do. Nonetheless, Edwards what handle this very tough situation with grace and dignity.
Reply:Well Laura had a cancerous lesion taken off of her leg and we don%26#039;t know that it hasn%26#039;t spread. This administration is so secretive and conniving we don%26#039;t know much of their health at all, especially when Cheney disappears into his bunker at times!

Liz Edward%26#039;s bone cancer is treatable and I don%26#039;t believe her death is imminent.

Anyone of them can have hidden heart disease and drop like a fly . . . or be hit by a bus . . . or choke on a sandwich.

You can%26#039;t predict these things. You can only vote for a single guy or gal to prevent this . . .
Reply:Well, YEA, if he is the best i mean the best candidate running for the office.

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