Friday, April 17, 2009

Shouldn't smokers have some rights too?

427>Look here at two points:

First, we%26#039;ve know for a long time that smoking isn%26#039;t one of the best things we can do for our health.

Smoking tobacco has been done for generations though! Look at old 1850 bars. Some back then even thought it wasn%26#039;t the best thing to do.

But what about just bars? I mean come on! Why is there so much fit about allowing smoking in bars? It%26#039;s a bar. It%26#039;s not a heathfood store.

Some don%26#039;t realize the other harmful benfits of heath. A pet bird for instance. Some people can get microspic particles for the bird in the house and get lung cancer. Without

even smoking a single cig in their whole life!

Eating at fast food joints. I%26#039;m not hurting anyone else? If you eat in it moderation it is fine.

Some don%26#039;t but still think that is okay.

Do you anti-smokers think you are going to make the world heath-perfect?

I%26#039;m not a full time smoker but I won%26#039;t go to bars I can%26#039;t smoke. I like to smoke when I have a drink.
Reply:I don%26#039;t care if you smoke in bars. That%26#039;s half the reason I don%26#039;t go to them (the other is that I%26#039;m not 21 but even then I won%26#039;t go to them). I do think it should be banned in restaurants though. I don%26#039;t want a side of second hand smoke with my dinner. If you want to kill yourself that%26#039;s fine, but I don%26#039;t feel like dying anytime soon.
Reply:Certainly you smokers have rights. I%26#039;d not be politically correct if I did not uphold them. I%26#039;d suggest that you and others who are in agreement, petition your local government for a place that you can ban non-smokers from. Then you can buy your own bar, and keep out those who do not smoke. Kind of a reverse discrimination.
Reply:The do-gooders in our legislature make laws against things that have no bearing on the constitution. You can%26#039;t legislate saftey. and our legislature should stop trying. Banning booze didn%26#039;t work? and I don%26#039;t think banning tobacco will either. I wonder how they think they are going to make up for the tax money tobacco gives them? Smokers are paying their way!
Reply:I was in a bar the other week, hanging out with friends who were smoking, when a man came up to us and starting going off about how he, across the room, was bothered by the smoking. My friends asked if he could smell it, he said no. But it offeneded him to see them smoking because they were putting other peoples lives at risk.

Total ***. My friends told him they were offened because he had downed about 4 drinks since we had been there and he was putting peoples lives at risk.

I would rather be around smokers then drunks...
Reply:Smokers have no rights. They create second hand smoke which leads to cancer in non smokers. You have no rights. Whe you get cancer, you%26#039;ll figure it out.
Reply:Of course you should have a right to smoke. I also agree with you that the bans on smoking in bars is kind of silly, as that seems part of what people go to bars to do! I don%26#039;t smoke though, or drink, so as you can imagine, I rarely go to a bar, so why should I be worried about smoking in bars. I do believe that I, as a nonsmoker, should have the right to go out in most public areas without being exposed to smoke. I totally support my state%26#039;s (and many others) ban on smoking in restaurants, it%26#039;s good for the customers, the employees, and the general smell of the place! If people want to smoke, that%26#039;s fine, but they should be courteous about doing in places where it%26#039;s not going to bother people! Is smoking so important to you that you don%26#039;t care who you%26#039;re bothering! If I%26#039;m going to be around smokers, it should be my choice, not forced upon me!

Last of all, society should be catering more to non-smokers, and in most places currently is, because the majority of people are non-smokers! Why should the majority have to suffer just for the sake of a minority of people? They shouldn%26#039;t!

As I said,l I don%26#039;t smoke, but I%26#039;m courteous about my actions in situations where they might bother other people, such as listening to loud music, talking on the phone in quiet places, and so on. There%26#039;s no reason why smokers can%26#039;t be courteous and thoughtful about their actions of smoking, and making sure that people around them won%26#039;t be bothered. It%26#039;s just common, civilized courtesy!

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