Friday, April 17, 2009

Should Marijuana be Legalized in the USA?

409>...if so, what would it%26#039;s guidelines be,if you were the one drawing up the bill? Age restrictions? Medical use only?.

I%26#039;d say %26quot;age restricted%26quot; -using the Age of ENLISTMENTas the gvmt decides to see fit (-God 18yo is SO YOUNG to be going to War), same as it should be for being allowed to purchase alcohol,or to get into an R rated movie.


Anti%26#039;s... I would Love to see a %26quot;Bad List%26quot; . Can you think of any GoodSide to the Legalization Idea?

Pros.. Give me a %26quot;Good List%26quot;. .. and C%26#039;mon you Know there are always downsides to everything .. be honest and state one of them for me, too.

I%26#039;ll go first.

i think one DownSide is the Lung Cancer issue,

I think one UpSide would be that , Legalized ,they could openly go about figuring out a way of ingesting it ,so that was a lot more health conscience,without being wasteful.
Reply:Yes, it should be legalized and put under the same controls as alcohol.

It would be a huge tax revenue at a time when we really need the revenue.

Free up large law enforcement resources to go after other narcotics, gangs, etc.

Commercial hemp is a multi-billion dollar industry that our farmers are being kept out of ( China is the worlds top producer of commercial hemp).
Reply:It should be legalized for those who believe in %26quot;Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.%26quot;

Reply:It would be a good tax base. But just think of how much brain damage, and low sperm count would happen as a result of legalzation
Reply:Yes...and it isn%26#039;t even conclusively linked to lung cancer!

Where are all the tests done with monkeys smoking doobs? There aren%26#039;t any! That%26#039;s because they%26#039;ve made their conclusions.

I think it%26#039;s illegality just gives law enformenment people job security!
Reply:No. It should not be legalized.

Downsides: Lung cancer, reduced brain function, lack of decision making skills, addiction.

ldscow...You gotta be kidding! You think that legalizing ALL drugs would reduce crime? Look at Amsterdam! Drugs legal. Crime VERY HIGH! This is because the HUGE number of adicts will do anything for their next fix! That was about the dumbest argument for legalization I have ever heard.
Reply:Looking at the big picture. MJ is realtively safe.

The resources used to control it are wastefull. Putting people in jail is expensive and just exposes them to more expert criminals and more criminal thinking.

Getting rid of the criminal profits from moving the product would be beneficial, right?

Benefits outway the loses. It would be a great way to see if legalization could be expanded in the future.

Get rid of the crime!!!

was on the ballot in Nevada and rejected there.

no need for for stone drivers in cars

the cell phones are bad enought.
Reply:No please dont legalise bad things. Even prostituion should be banned. US will be a finer place.
Reply:I dont think it should, I think anything that makes someone a more peacefull person shouldnt be allowed, We would be a country of pansies if it were legal. lets keep the violence and keep alcohol our receational drug
Reply:One advantage to legalizing all drugs would be to lessen crime. Another would be to take the profit motive out of recruiting new users and dry up some of the funding for crime. It would also be easier to find and treat users, and maybe solve their problems. Look at the reduction in jail use we would realize by decriminalizing use. Another positive effect would come from better control of the quality of the drugs.
Reply:Two high school girls, high on MJ step out in front of a car between corners, and one dies, while the other is hospitalized. The driver of the car, a young woman going home from work, is charged with manslaughter. She was acquitted, but should never have been charged.

Is MJ bad? Yes. However, if it is kept at home, it is the problem of the user. If you want to make it legal as a medication, make it illegal to venture out of your house for twelve hours after using it, so others won%26#039;t be involved in your habit. Penalty, if you are stopped on the street within that time, you get your MJ permit pulled. If it IS medicine, then you would be required to protect your right to use it. And yes, it is detrimental to health.


KrazyKyngeKorny (Krazy, not stupid)

Reply:The only useful purpose it has is with Chemo and Aids patient to help relieve nausea and stimulate appetite. Hospitals to not let patients smoke it they do the Alice B Toklas baking approach.

THC is an Hallucinogen as in make you hallucinate. It remains in your system for 11 days. Fry an egg. I lived the 60%26#039;s it was a mistake and we know much much much more now.
Reply:Absolutely and Immediately. There are so many benefits with marijuana. First of all there is a calming effect which would seriously benefit many of our citizens who suffer with depression; adult bi-polar disorder; anger issues just to name a few.

I argue against your lung cancer theory. If the marijuana is left pure, not chemically sprayed (it%26#039;s a weed, naturally occurring) or altered in any way the risk is far far less than that of tobacco. Some people are just pre disposed to cancer...I don%26#039;t think you will see a significant increase in lung cancer. We would have a more peaceful nation.

The age should be the same for drinking. 18-21. It should absolutely be made available for cancer patients; free of charge and every citizen should be allowed to grow their own for personal use.

Screw the govt. and their inability to tax marijuana. They get enough of their pound of flesh from us in every other area of daily life.

The down side that would be most problematic is the lowered productivity. You don%26#039;t seem to get much done when high on marijuana; there fore it should be regulated to days off of work and off the clock with at least an 8 hour break. Of course this would not be enforceable! LOL. It would have to be the users responsibility to use it wisely.

Another down side is that marijuana use does adversely affect the unborn child of a pot smoker. I see this all the time. Babies born marijuana exposed do not eat well, they don%26#039;t thrive as well, they have lower birth weight and higher prematurity. Like alcohol it should not be consumed if pregnant. Then again cigarettes are very bad for babies too. The US doesn%26#039;t remove a child because her mother was a cigarette smoker; only if she is alcohol/marijuana/drug affected. Is tobacco not a drug? Okay. Enough. I%26#039;m in favor. Let%26#039;s get-er-done, as the redneck says. LOL Nana
Reply:Yes! Why? Because the government should have no power to tell someone what they can or can%26#039;t put in their bodies. That takes our basic freedoms away. If they legalized pot, cocaine, speed, meth, and certain other drugs, they could reduce prison overcrowding overnight. It should be legalized for personal use only and if someone takes an OD and dies - whose going to miss them???
Reply:Bush must think it already is
Reply:why do most people think that the only way to use mj is to smoke it? you can make a tea or cook it in a recipe.if it%26#039;s used like that would it still cause lung cancer?
Reply:It is a good idea

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