Thursday, July 30, 2009

What are the pros and cons of medicating cancer patients for depression?

93>Basically, I'm wondering if other cancer patients have benefitted from taking anti-depression drugs. I think I've managed fairly well so far but lately I've been feeling in the depths od despair, usually at the same time each month so I think the hormones are messing with my emotions. I've been dealing with breast cancer for 2 1/2 years now and am at stage IV and in maintenance mode, managing the mets which will probably be with me for the rest of my hopefully long life.銆€ Could the Herceptin I get weekly be a factor or is it just a case of being tired of dealing with it plus hormones pushing me so close to the edge every month? I will ask my oncologist about possible medication to keep the blues away. I'd appreciate comments and advice on what to expect.
Reply:I know what you are talking about. I was diagnosed 3 years ago with breast cancer and it wasn't until about 8 months ago that I started taking an anti-depressant on a regular basis. I made myself a promise that I would continue them for a year and see where I am at. They have helped me so much! I used to have some scary thoughts, but they have gone away. I finally figured out that I deserve to feel better and the only way I could do it was with the help of meds. I am glad I made that choice. Yeah, there are days that suck, but there are more days that I am able to smile and mean it. Good luck, and take care.
Reply:For depression the best medicine is laughter. Read jokes, see comedies and talk jovially with everybody. Go out and enjoy nature, animals and birds. Visit parks and watch trees and animals which do not have any mental problems since they do not think like us.

Think always positive. Thinking only brought all problems man is facing now including the global warming.
Reply:Get some Xanax it will take off a lot of stress
Reply:There are only pros and very few cons. So they should be used more frequently. They may not help as depression is often situational so treating cancer and its cure is usually needed to help depression.
Reply:I hope You get well soon.. I'm doing my best to help every1 to cure their illness including you.. with my Islam Prayers.. You don`t have to vote me for the best answer.. im doing this for free.. I only hopping we all get bless %26amp; Cure from Allah the most Mercyfull..%26amp; Most Loving.. See the improvement result..

I Wish Your doctor show You a Good resault.. from Your condiction %26amp; situation.. as Fast as Posible..

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