Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just how special are anti-oxidents?

94>i drink green tea pretty much everyday, apparently its a source of "natural anti oxidents"... how helpful are they in preventing cancer? as so i have heard..
Reply:No one knows because people who drink green tea every day still can get cancer. There are over 200 different types of cancer and so far there is no known way to prevent the occurence of every single one of them. What drinking green tea might do is lessen the risk of developing one kind of cancer only . . but than you would contend with the other 199 types. So, just drinking green tea may or may not be helpful . . if you enjoy drinking it, by all means continue, but do not operate under the false security that by drinking tea or focusing on 'natural anit-oxidants' that you will be safe from ever getting cancer. People who have never smoked, don't drink, eat nutrious, watch their weight, have special diets . . all still can get cancer. There is no fool proof way to stop every single kind of cancer . . if there was . . than we'd all use it. I know a young man who believed that changing his diet was essential to stopping his cancer. He had surgery to remove a single 2cm tumor and than refused tradional adjuvant chemotherapy. Instead he concentrated on a naturalistic diet and ate only veggies. He did this for six months and was stunned at his last doctors visit to learn that during that six month period of eating and living healthy . . his cancer was back and had metastasized throughout the body. His response was that he now realizes that diet alone cannot stop the growth and spred of cancer . . but diet can make you feel healthier and better able to fight the cancer should you ever get it. He is now doing tradional chemo and had a 50 percent response in the past few months. So . . what does this mean? Bascially that a healthy diet can keep you fit so that you can fight cancer better . . but it won't stop the progession and spred of disease.

Drink your green tea . . but, unfortunately, you can still get cancer no matter how much of it you drink.
Reply:their very helpful in preventing cancer as a part of a over all healthy lifestyle. actually their essential for it. well that's what they say anyway.

the red apples have got a good one too, in the skin. and then you get some pectin as well that helps remove excess cholesterol from your body. so their a extremely healthy snack.

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