Thursday, July 30, 2009

Does anti-persperant deoderant cause Breast Cancer?

57>I saw the story or internet "rumor"

But is this true? And please no stupid answers.

Thank You :)
Reply:This is just an urban legend. Good on you for checking!
Reply:i heard about his a few years back and asked a doctor i worked for, he said it is possible to clog the pores and hair follicles and for cancer to be a possibility. it would be very rare though.
Reply:No. There is no clinical scientific evidence that anti-persperant causes breast cancer. What you are reading are 'urban legends' or 'opinion's' but nothing based in facts.
Reply:well i heard that the aluminum in them can go in the skin and cause problems and even cancer. so i just buy the aluminum free ones just to be on the safe side.

all that talk about cancer and deoderant is becuz of the aluminum.

they might be more expenssive i dont even check. but anyway whats a dollor or two a month if it stops a bit of aluminum getting in my system.
Reply:No, this is untrue.....If deodorants caused breast cancer, don't you think that almost every woman in the United States would eventually be diagnosed with breast cancer? In the citation below, there is an explanation why this is a false rumor.....

"Antiperspirants (or antiperspirant/deodorant combinations) do not cause breast cancer. A false rumor has been broadly circulated claiming that antiperspirants prevent the body from purging dangerous toxins. The message reports that because antiperspirants actually work to stop underarm perspiration (as opposed to regular deodorants that merely provide fragrance), certain toxins become trapped inside the body. These toxins, according to the rumor, are deposited in the lymph nodes below the arms, leading to cell mutations and the development of breast cancer. THIS LINK BETWEEN ANTIPERSPIRANTS AND BREAST CANCER IS COMPLETELY INACCURATE. The body does not, in fact, need to purge toxins from the armpits in the form of perspiration. There are no toxins to purge; sweat is made up of a combination of 99.9% water, sodium, potassium and magnesium. The National Cancer Institute and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are unaware of any substantial evidence that antiperspirants cause breast cancer."

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