Thursday, July 30, 2009

Now that it has been proven that anti-perspirants cause breast cancer, what do we use??

54>just keep using them, how many people have actually gotten it and what are the odds that it's gonna get you.
Reply:The aluminum also is proven to cause Alzheimer's. I use Burt's Bees natural deodorant. There are many natural or organic ones to choose from that are at your local health store.
Reply:Stick to soap and water.
Reply:It hasn't been proven. I am very involved with breast cancer research, and this is primarily an urban legend. However, if you are concerned, there are deoderants without anti-perspirant properties at any grocery store. Peace and good luck.
Reply:what goes in comes out. Eat 20 % cooked, (beef and fish med. rare, never well done) and 80 % raw fresh fruit and veg. And 2-3 litres - 1 gal. of quality water / day. I am not talking distilled , reverse osmosis, ultra violet water or tap water that has chlorine and fluoride. These are slow toxins (chlorine and fluoride) and the others strip the body of negative ions, minerals and vitamins and trace elements. You will also you have no foot odour, when you have a bowel movement it will not smell. You will think clearly, your reaction time to all aspects of your life will increase to the point you will not recognize your self. AND DO YOUR SELF A FAVOUR DO NOT USE THE MICROWAVE TO HEAT OR COOK AS THIS SHUTS DOWN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.
Reply:My husbands grandparents tell me they used to use lemon back in the day when anti-perpirants werent heard of in their "pueblo". I myself have used baby powder in emergencies.
Reply:The shower
Reply:Please site a reference to your proof that this is fact otherwise save it if you aren't willing to back up a statement such as this.
Reply:I was unaware that it was proven.

However, I do know that aluminum (the primary ingredient in most brand-name antiperspirants) has been found in tumors removed from patients with breast cancer.

I was under the impression, however, that the metaphorical jury was still out on whether or not the alumimum was actually CONTRIBUTING to the tumor, or a harmless residue of long-term antiperspirant use.

At any rate, I prefer to err on the side of caution, so I use Tom's of Maine, an aluminum-free alternative that works just as well. Tom's is the only one I've been able to find in major stores, but if you're fortunate enough to live around a natural grocery store, you'll likely be able to find all sorts of alternatives.
Reply:If that were the case, wouldn't there be the same amount of men with breast cancer as women?
Reply:I just spent this past yr. fighting breast cancer, I am free of it now. One of the first things I was told, never use anti-perspiants again. The aluminum is abrasive. They do not say it causes cancer, yet I have heard this bantered about for yrs. I wish they would come out %26amp; tell the truth. Sounds suspious doesn't it. Yet they are leaving young girls hanging. If there is a connection %26amp; I now believe there is could these girls be spared by the truth. My generation breast cancer no. is outrageous %26amp; we are the first gen. to have that product available. Not my mother Or grandmothers or older aunts had these products. No breast cancer to be seen. Yet those 50-65 Oh! Yes. I was told to use simple old cornstarch %26amp; guess what keeps me dry %26amp; no odor. What did they use. I bet that was it.


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