Thursday, July 30, 2009

Describe the typical meds that a cancer patient may be discharged with for supportive care therapy?

74>particularly relating to the myelosuppressive effects of their anti cancer therapy, and how to explain the consequences of not adhering to a cancer regimen (USING PATIENT SPECIFIC LANGUAGE)?
Reply:Typical meds for supportive care therapy relating to the myelosuppression (neutropenia) are Granulocyte colony stimulating factors (G-CSF) such as: filgrastim, pegfilgratim and lenograstim.

(beware of bone pain SE, therefore use of paracetamol)

besides, relating to thrombocytopenia of myelosuppresion, platelet transfusions!!

The consequences of not adhering to cancer regimen:

''You should take your meds as directed by your doc so that the meds control your conditions better.

I know that sometimes it is dificult to remember taking your medication, but you would not want to see consequences such as:

1) worsening condition

2) increase GP visit/hospitalisation

3) health care cost

4) or mayb the meds will not longer working for you (treatment resistance)
Reply:This depends on a large amount of factors. Including what kind of cancer they have/had, how old they are, how long they have been in treatment, etc.

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