Thursday, July 23, 2009

Can anti-perspirants really cause breast cancer?

36>I jst started shaving my underarms %26amp;%26amp; i also use anti-perspirant. %26amp;%26amp; is it true that anti-perspirants can cause breast cancer? because if so, i might stop using it ..
Reply:GREETINGS, first off you are smart to ask this. It's not so much the antiperspirants that cause the cancer, it's the ingredients, you want to avoid aluminum based products. There is alot of people who will say no, and some that say yes, but I will give you my opinion based on what I know being a cancer survivor and activist, plus former pharmacy asst (see profile). Any product with aluminum in it used over the skin and lymph nodes will absorb in, over time the product builds up and stays more in the body. They have done studies on lymph nodes called the axilla which is the main node under the arms, armpit area, that is often a spreading place for cancer. The newest form of surgery is called an axillary node dissection where they take part of it but not all in order to try to prevent lymphedema. In those studies they found aluminum traces in those nodes and they do know that it can cause cancer, so based on that, knowing cancer is present in these women and so is the traces, it's pretty obvious it's not healthy to use them and yes the ones that contain the aluminum after time build ut and can cause cancer.

There are alot of natural products on the market like spray salts, rock salts and non-aluminum so I would opt for those.
Reply:The first thing I do when I hear an absurd rumor is rush to or

According to Snopes its undetermined BUT, there has been a study that debunks the myth. The study was printed in the USA Today newspaper. Here is that article in part along with a link to article.

" The study, appearing this week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, examined the personal hygiene habits of 813 women with breast cancer and 793 women without the disease and found no link between cancer and body odor control cosmetics.

"Antiperspirant and deodorant use did not differ whether or not a participant (in the study) had breast cancer," said Dana K. Mirick, an epidemiologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. This indicates, she said, that use of the personal products does not cause the disease. "
Reply:Yes, it can, if you don't wash your armpit daily. That's just a matter of personal hygiene.
Reply:No, this is abslutly NOT true! I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when I was 19 and trust me, I asked my dr. He said there is NO truth to that at all.
Reply:Unequivocally NO. There is no connection between underarm antiperspirant use and breast cancer.

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