Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pillar of strength is crumpling?

510>History, non - cancer brain tumor removed 5 years ago, multi meds to function in life. Still has trouble with hearing complete speech, sometimes a word or two is missing. Married 26 years, we love each other dearly but when ever I try to discuss sex she closes off to me. When I offer other methods of being close to each other am treated like I am a pervert. Have been to all the doctors, been to counseling, I believe in my marriage vows and remember what if it was me whom had the medical problem. Never know when I return home from work if it will be like walking egg shells or if she will have a hug and I love you for me. Between the mood shifts, anti depressions, pain killers and other meds, I can't compete. Am the pillar of strength for the family but each day I feel more and more alone. I try to talk with my wife but get shut out and the few times she opens up if the subject becomes to personal she closes me out. What can I do, is this my life now for the next 30 years ........
Reply:Get into counseling. you both need to see the world from the other's perspective. You need to know exactly what this whole thing is making her feel and she needs to know that just because she had the medical problem, doesn't mean that it doesn't affect you.
Reply:you need a support group for sure and counseling with someone who understands this type of situation.....go alone if she won't go with you;
Reply:so pick a spring to drink but dont piss on it! I will ask Papa Tiger to take me away. Be sure He will, He cant resist. Here true bhakta - cries so loud and passionate that He cant refuse. Crazy in love, just like me. Dont **** up or you will be ******. Promise you....pick a spring and drink, **** for real not in brain. it is soo pathetic
Reply:I have been where you are now . My husband was ill for 5 years before he died and I felt all alone . We stopped having any sexual relationship for the last five years of his life and it was really hard to deal with all the meds ,mood swings and ect.... Find someone to talk to , clergy, counselor just someone because you are both suffering and she may have guilty feelings and feel she is not a complete woman . This may be the reason for her intimacy issues . Find someone you can both talk to and it will help. Good luck.
Reply:When my mother was injured in a car accident, her mood had changed severely because she could no longer operate independently. When a life changes it takes ones love to compensate for another even when the road gets tough. How did I get through it, I remembered a story in the Bible about a young woman named Ruth. She made a promise to her mother-in-law that despite everything around her, she was going to care for this woman.

Most women are very sexual creatures, no matter the age, this one refused to chase after men in her prime. After a lot of time and hard work in the fields, the tide had turned and she got what she needed because she did not desire it. This very thing worked for me as well.

I will tell you a little bit more, do as Jesus did and get away from it all whenever you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. Go to the movies, go to the park, walk the dog, or to shows; her situation is not there to kill you. Now that God has her in his hands and he is watching how you will react. So plan on going on a vacation, and get a house sitter if she cannot move.

I sat in misery for a year and a half before I decided to dedicate myself to more than just her and my promise. Believe me, it will cheer you up too. Because when the heart lightens, so will the soul and that allows for a new level of understanding and socialbility.

Love others as you love yourself and speak regardless of their mood. A Thanks is more powerful than any curse. It adds years of good health to your life. I'm basically saying go outside and shout to the people that you love them. It works.

flower arrangements

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