Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Breast Cancer?

521>If you are an older person who has breast cancer, do they still operate, becasue i know with some cancers if your elderly and have cancer they leave it as surgery may do more harm, is this the case for breast cancer or do they operate?
Reply:This is not a question for a novice or for some guess work. Get to the doctor and ask his / her opinion, then go for a second opinion if you feel uncomfortable about the results.

Your question has merit because some cancer may spread when operated upon. Age is not the only problem for male/female, its two fold, is it a positive fact its cancer, if so how far or long has this been noticed.

Bottom line is "SEE A DOCTOR" don't guess.
Reply:I suppose it must depend on the individual patient's situation - the type of cancer, the patient's health and the patient's wishes.

When I was in hospital for my mastectomy there was a woman also having a mastectomy who was 84.

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