Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Overcoming Depresion?

507>How can i overcome mild -moderate depression? Its not as bad as some people have it, i recently lost my dad to cancer 2 months ago, ive also put weight on due to comfort eating and now my mams making me lose my confidence in the way i look by telling me im fatter etc, i dont want to go down the anti depression tablet route. My boyfriend is there for me but it still doesnt stop it, any suggestions?
Reply:really the only way you can over come deppression is therapy.you have suffered alot of mental trauma.a professional should be able to help you without having to take pills.
Reply:I know you don't want to take tablets, but they really do help. I am on some at the moment, i thought that i could battle through on my own, but in the end i admitted defeat as things were only getting worse. It's not such a big deal these days, lots of people i know have taken them at some point, even if it's just for a short while. Please go to your doctor.
Reply:I suffer from moderate depression (along with anxiety) myself. I've tried antidepressants not with much luck. I'm now trying a herbal supplement called Rhodiola Rosea which you can read about here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodiola_Ro...

It's a natural product which can help people with depression and anxiety. It's can take a month or so to notice a difference. I'm only on my 2nd week of taking it so not noticed much yet. I bought them from simplysupplements co.uk they cost 拢5.49 for 2 packs.

I do think you should go to the Dr's though and see what they suggest, you shouldn't feel bad for taking anti depressants if they are needed, depression is a chemical imbalance and it needs a drug to get it balanced again and make you feel better

dedicate to all friends of answers
Reply:im sorry for your loss..it is hard to go through something like that and it makes a lot of people depressed. try to walk outside with some friends. fresh air always helps the mind and then you can lose weight at the same time. if you have a close friend or your boyfriend then always think of happy thoughts or funny things that make you laugh. you will probably never forget when your father died but it really does help when you laugh with your close friends.
Reply:Several books you can try including Depression for Dummies and cog native therapy.

I've had this for 24 years there are ways round it . If you feel people are putting you down just remember their not perfect and no one has the right to make you feel bad about yourself.
Reply:I think that if you have been diagnosed with depression you never really are completely free of it, but you learn to live with it, you can manage the bad days better! This is how I feel anyway. In my experience, the tablets helped, they enabled me to think clearer and to begin to sort things in my life. I was able to stop taking them without any problems, but your doctor will give you the best advice.

Again from my personal experience, if you can manage to loose a bit of weight it will lift you and give you a bit of confidence back. Perhaps having a word with your mam may help? There are loads of diet clubs available, eg weight watchers and slimming world. Ive done this and the diet is pretty easy.

You did not mention if you have had any counselling? If not I would suggest giving it a go? Loosing your dad to such a horrible disease is a big thing and it may help to discuss your feelings with someone who is not involved. You are still grieving and it is still recent. Time is a great healer so they say.

The best advice I could give is to take one day at a time, tackle each problem one at a time. You will get there in the end, believe in yourself and remember how special you are. Focus on your strong points and what you do well.

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