Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Breast Cancer.?

523>what r the things 2 look for in um breast cancer..i think my cousin has it..or at least she thinks she does, can you help us out??

Reply:The only way to find out for sure is to have a mammogram/ultrtasound and biopsy.

For some people lumpy breasts are normal "Thickening" or cysts. Either way, getting checked by your doctor as soon as possible is the best thing to do. If it is cancer, delaying diagnosis and treatment can make the treatment that much more difficult.
Reply:Most people diagnosed with breast cancer have no symptoms at all. This is why doctors recommend regular mammograms and self-exams. If you find a lump you should report it to your doctor right a way. When found early breast cancer is very treatable.

For those who do have symptoms other than finding a lump the symptoms include skin changes such as dimpling, ulceration, scaling or it may look like orange peel, swelling, the nipple may become inverted or have blood or discharge coming from it. These symptoms are signs of an advanced or an aggressive form of breast cancer and you should see a doctor immediately.
Reply:some information which may assit you
Reply:From this question and your others I'm assuming you're quite young. Breast cancer is a disease mainly associated with ageing - 80% of those diagnosed with it are over 50.

It is EXTREMELY unusual for a teenager or even a 20something to have breast cancer.

Someone here has suggested a mammogram - no doctor will order a mammogram on a very young woman, as young women's breast tissue is too dense for a mammogram to be useful.

If your cousin is concerned, she should of course see her doctor. If it is a lump she is concrned about, most breast lumps are not cancerous, and many women have naturally lumpy breasts.

Early breast cancer usually has no symptoms at all. Possible signs and symptoms of breast cancer are:

Early breast cancer may have no symptoms at all.

The possible signs and symptoms of breast cancer are:

change in size - one breast may have become noticeably larger or lower

nipple change - if it becomes inverted (pulled in) or changes its position or shape

rash - on or around the nipple

discharge - from one or both nipples

puckering or dimpling - around nipple

swelling 鈥?in your armpit or around your collarbone (from lymph nodes)

lump or thickening - that feels different from the rest of the breast tissue - but remember that most breast lumps are not cancerous

constant pain - in one part of your breast or in your armpit.

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