Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why do ppl never really take pretty girls seriously as a person?

358>It seems like everytime I%26#039;m down someone tells me I shouldn%26#039;t be since I%26#039;m %26quot;too pretty%26quot; and they say the same about taking anti depressants. like my looks saves me sadness and life%26#039;s obsticles. I was once talking to my bestfriend a few weeks ago, because I was worried about cancer they found on me and worried that I had to get a hysterectomy at 19. she told me to cheer up, because I%26#039;m the %26quot;pretty one%26quot;.

Guys only seem to want me for one thing only,(and no I don%26#039;t give it to them) I never seem to be the girl they wanna get serious with me, and when I do have a bf, he either keeps thinking I have other guys, when all I do is show them how much I care and that I%26#039;m not like that or I%26#039;ve been lead on just for the sex, and I usually see them with an unatractive girl not long after that. plus ppl usually assume me as dumb.

I%26#039;m not a snob that only thinks she has it bad.

No, I%26#039;d this down to earth zen practicer that really has had a ****** up life. what should I do to be seen on the inside?
Reply:I know a very good looking woman who is the manager of a real estate office and she does really well and is well respected by all for her knowledge.

The whole thing here is that people don%26#039;t think that beautiful people are dumb, it%26#039;s just that beautiful people have to prove that they%26#039;re smart. But it%26#039;s easy since they just have to do some really smart things or make some really smart observations and from then on they are cute and smart.

The best way for you to show people who you are is to be yourself.

Concentrate on the positive things in your life and only see the good in everyone and soon you will feel better about yourself and once you can be your OWN best friend you%26#039;ll be able to be other people%26#039;s best friend.

Don%26#039;t act needy. Try to be aloof but in a good way. Don%26#039;t hang on people. Don%26#039;t suffocate people. Be free and be INDEPENDENT. Be YOURSELF. If people don%26#039;t like you for who you are find the ones who do.

Perhaps you need to hang out in a different environment. Find new friends. Or hang out in areas where you would LIKE to be accepted or fit in. If you see a cute guy at a restaurant and he smiles at you, don%26#039;t dive your head into the menu, smile back. Be carefree, debonair, and above all, be yourself.

Be prepared for the %26quot;give and take%26quot;. If he wants you to go to a football game tell him that%26#039;s cool as long as he%26#039;ll go to the opera, movie, or play, or whatever ... with you. If he agrees and smiles about it you may have a friend for life. Most of us guys don%26#039;t want to be worshipped we just want to be accepted and we want to have fun with someone. We want someone who can run in the rain with us and not freak about a chipped nail, and maybe someone who can swig down a mug of beer at the bar and perhaps be able to play pool. First, be one of the guys and move up from there. Guys are looking for woman who are COOL and calm and relaxed. Convince him that you have a brain along with a set of happiness and engage him in some uplifting conversation. Who knows. The guy might be a dolt and then you can move on and find someone at the library in the Quantum Physics section, or attend a Wiccan ceremony. In other words, try to be open minded and don%26#039;t limit yourself. Have fun, be free, and don%26#039;t give it up until he can%26#039;t live without you or he will run like a rabbit just after you do the rabbit thing with him. Make sure you have him hooked and he has stars in his eyes before you let him in on your pajama party.

P.S. one of the biggest causes of cancer according to a Dr. in the American Journal of Medicine back in 1935 is acidic buildup. Balance your pH level and all sorts of things will disappear and straighten out. The calcium from Japan is considered the best. Get a test strip that measures your acid level ... the same test strips they use for swimming pools ... or buy a roll from for about $3 and use it. Keep taking calcium and eat less acidic foods and keep lowering your acid levels until they balance out at the middle. There are tea%26#039;s that will also help and breaks the monotony.

Don%26#039;t worry about what other people say and think. Do what makes YOU feel good. But balance out the pH to get rid of the danger of cancer. Also, you can take natural herbs from Brazil that are adaptogens. They basically adapt to MOST situations and keep your body regulated and balanced. My favorites are Suma, pau d%26#039;Arco, and Astragalus. I%26#039;ve heard rumors that you CAN%26#039;T get cancer when you take Astragalus but I%26#039;m not a firm believer in the word %26quot;can%26#039;t%26quot; b/c that will get your hopes up too high and you should always be aware of your surroundings and everything in your immediate environment.

I think this all boils down to YOU GOTTA TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOURSELF, girlfriend.

I haven%26#039;t read it yet but there is a book that supposedly will let you in on all the secrets of the ages and it%26#039;s called ... The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It should prop you up and make you happy about yourself. The other book that I liked is Living in the NOW. Both of these will tell you what%26#039;s important in life and what really is not.

RE-align yourself and get balanced.

Just my humble opinion.

Good luck.

and remember EVERYONE has their ups and downs ... cute, ugly, good looking, bad looking, tall, short ... and when things are really good you KNOW that the opposite is just around the corner so prepare for it and be ready for it and when it comes you won%26#039;t be bothered half as much by it if you%26#039;re prepared.
Reply:I understand your feeling. Hang in there and be thankful for your station in life.

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