Monday, February 16, 2009

Should drinking small amount of wine be encouraged by doctors?

360>It%26#039;s found that wine contain anti-oxidants which belived can be used to prevent a few diseases including reducing the risk of cancer, however, experts say that it is dangerous to give out the suggestion as there are many other concerns links to alcoholics, what so u think?should or not
Reply:The medical literature is very clear on this issue - NO. The potential %26#039;up-side%26#039; is unclear and the potential %26#039;down-side%26#039; is too clear.

Antioxidants are available from many non-alcoholic sources (including non-alcoholic wine!). Fruits, vegetables, dark chocolate, olive oil - these (and others) are better choices for increasing antioxidant intake.

Best wishes.
Reply:I feel it would be a mistake to recommend drinking red wine. Not only is it an acquired taste but recommending drinking alcohol, as you stated, can lead to many problems (one of which would be alcoholism).

I feel that the best thing would be to make sure that the fact about red-wine is known so that individuals may make their own choice. Therefore those intelligent enough not to drink excessively will be able to enjoy a glass and reduce their risk of cancer.
Reply:Look, every other drug is addictive. Only that alcohol is over the counter. My dad was told to drink by his doctor to elevate his good cholesterol levels. It%26#039;s up to the person to become dependant on the prescription.
Reply:I have contradictory views on this one. It helps people and is healthy to drink a glass of wine every day. But if there%26#039;s one thing Americans are bad at, it%26#039;s being moderate. So, maybe touted everywhere else is a good idea.
Reply:I truly believe that it is good to drink a little wine every day. It has great anti-oxidant properties. My Aunt Veva drank 4oz. of wine every day and she lived to be 93 with very few health problems, mental or physical. I think it is not encouraged by doctors because there are many people who do not understand moderation. They feel if 4 oz. helps, what will 16 oz. do. Therefore it could lead to alcoholism. With the rate of law suits against physicians, they can%26#039;t afford to offer help like this!
Reply:yes, except, of course with alcoholics
Reply:It is reccomended unless you are an alcoholic.
Reply:I am an alternative medicinal therapist and I only suggest that my clients drink a glass of wine with their meal but only if their health is ok and only if they have digestive problems. I cannot drink wine, it causes my blood pressure to rise, my heart races and i end up with a headache and that%26#039;s just drinking a small glass, so no i do not think Gps should give this advice. The Bible clearly states %26#039;A little wine for thy stomachs sake%26#039; That%26#039;s good enough for me, it indicates that%26#039;s it%26#039;s good for your system but as I%26#039;ve said if you can take it.As far as I%26#039;m concerned GPs are a waste of time and I%26#039;ve lost all faith in them.

I%26#039;d sooner go to my vet for advice.

G J Jones (BSYA)

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