Monday, February 16, 2009

Pro life question?

363>How can people be anti abortion and still be pro war? A war kills many people, yet a fetus has no concept of its own existence in the first two trimesters at least.

A newly fertilized egg is just a few cells. How can preventing a few cells from growing (by using a morning after pill) constitue killing since they are no more alive than a cancer growth.

Yet dropping bombs and killing civilians is justified. Am I missing a point here?

I realize that I left the answer quite open for people to spew irrational religious tainted reposnses. As Bush said %26#039;bring it on%26quot;. (Oh no, I am quoting Bush.)
Reply:I%26#039;m pro-choice and anti-war. It works fine for me.
Reply:that%26#039;s the beauty of conservatives: do what we say, not what we do.

double-standards aplenty.
Reply:Dude, Your opening a huge can of worms! There is no right answer because the %26quot;Pro Life%26quot; people will not agree under any circumstances because they feel they are right period! However, your question is for %26quot;Pro Choice%26quot;! !
Reply:All I can say is.Look in the dictionary amd you will see that murder and kill have different definitions.People volunteer to go to the armed forces.Babies don%26#039;t volunteer to be murdered.
Reply:after seeing some of the idiots of the world and on this forum

i have become pro-abortion, and have a few good candidates for the Poster Child, G W Bush is on the top 5 List
Reply:I like the %26quot;But that clump of cells has the potential to become a baby!%26quot; Oh, really? So do most of your cells, combined with scientific knowledge. Should masturbation be against the law?
Reply:People who do this like, Bushit apply a double standard, because they don%26#039;t really care for people. Others do it because of their hostility or hatred of women, cowardice or political posturing. Bushit does all of the above
Reply:Well the fact really is that we don%26#039;t know when life begins. I am not pro or anti abortion. As a man I don%26#039;t think it%26#039;s ultimately my decision to make. And its a circumstantial decision as well. There are no right or wrong reasons, there are many circumstances in every situation really.

But I am absolutely against war. And I think the schemes of the gov%26#039;t don%26#039;t really go over as well as they did 50-100 years ago. People thankfully are a bit smarter than they were then. Hopefully anyway. But we all feel like we have our hands tied.

If you can think up a way to give the power back to the people that would be good, amazing even. Because a handful of people are driving us straight into Hell and I want to get off the damn bus.
Reply:You have to realize that you are making the erroneous assumption that every pro-life person is pro-war, which simply is not true.

When you talk about a few clumps of cells, you are basically talking about the early stages of a woman%26#039;s pregnancy. If you have ever sat through an ultrasound, you realize that within just a few weeks the baby looks very much like a baby. So, while a newly fertilized egg is only a few cells, that argument is only valid for a few days.

When I was 7 weeks pregnant, the ultrasound showed my daughter doing deep knee bends.

At 14 weeks I could feel her movement.

At 7 months, she kicked in time to the music on the car radio.

Ultimately, what bothers me the most about terminating a pregnancy is almost 90% of the cases, a pregnancy is terminated because one party decides they are not ready to be a mother.
Reply:This is simple.

Abortion as a means of birth control (which most are) is wrong no matter what your belief system. Killing an unborn child because the pregnancy isn%26#039;t, %26quot;convenient%26quot; at the time for the mother is abhorrent.

If it wasn%26#039;t for good guys going to war, when justified, you%26#039;d be speaking German right now.............key is, %26#039;when justified.%26#039;
Reply:One of the biggest arguments in the abortion debate is the issue of when does human life begin.

There is not a scientist in the world who would tell you that any living creature in the world can reproduce any offspring of a different species.

DNA is the most basic foundational building block of life in both animal %26amp; man. It is the most basic building block that makes every creature ONLY ABLE to reproduce it%26#039;s own kind! It cannot reproduce any other species except it%26#039;s own!

Even in the creation af a human baby, both the woman%26#039;s egg, %26amp; the man%26#039;s sperm, ONLY contain HUMAN DNA!

From the moment that the woman%26#039;s egg is fertilized, that joined cell contains ONLY HUMAN DNA!

Once the fertilized egg starts to grow, it still contains ONLY HUMAN DNA!

That fertilized egg will ONLY DEVELOP INTO a human baby, because it contains ONLY HUMAN DNA!

Looking at these facts, let us see what Scripture says about reproduction:

Genesis 1:24 (New International Version)

24 And God said, %26quot;Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.%26quot; And it was so.

Look at what I have underlined-%26quot;.....each according to it%26#039;s own kind.%26quot;

When God created the world, He made it so that each creature, could only reproduce the same species! A cow could not reproduce a horse. A Pig could not reproduce a dog. Each creature that God created, could ONLY REPRODUCE IT%26#039;S OWN KIND-NOTHING ELSE!

It%26#039;s the same way with humans-a human can only reproduce another human.

Regardless of what a baby looks like, when it is forming-it is still a human being!

It cannot be anything else!

When a human kills another human being-it is murder!

When a woman has an abortion-it is killing another human being, regardless of what stage of development the baby might might be in! Why is it murder-because the baby, even if it is unborn, has ONLY HUMAN DNA-NOTHING ELSE! It is STILL a human being!

An unborn baby is still a human being, because it CANNOT BE ANYTHING ELSE!

Abortion kills another human being.

Therefore abortion IS MURDER!

That%26#039;s my opinion.
Reply:Theists just love power. Being pro-life means power over a woman they were not able to inseminate and killing in war is just power to kill.
Reply:the morning after pill (Plan B) doesn%26#039;t cause an abortion, like you insinuate. it%26#039;s a contraceptive that prevents a woman from becoming pregnant in the first place.
Reply:Life begins at conception. Abortion is killing innocent babies.

War is hell my friend. Three thousand civilian Americans died on 9/11 and terrorists made war against America. What you permit increases. So are you saying we should continually permit terrorists to kill Americans? I believe Clinton allowed many Americans to die by the hands of terrorists in foreign countries.

However, when the terrorists reached our land and destroyed our people on our ground, then President Bush said - NO MORE!

Are you telling me that you would have said %26quot;Come on over to America because we will not fight you.%26quot;

War kills civilians. It always has and it always will. I hold freedom dear. I believe those whom God sets free are free indeed, because they have no fear of death.

Far greater is the spiritual war than any war being fought with guns.

There is no peace until Christ returns. There will be wars and rumors of wars for the rest of our life. It has always been that way and it will always be that way until Christ returns.
Reply:All life is precious. A person concept of their own existence is not what makes us valuable as human is the fact that we exist at all.

The idea that a %26quot;few cells%26quot; is not a human being is an opinion, not a fact. There is not court and no lab that has ever said so.

I don%26#039;t think killing civilians is ever justified...what war are you talking about? The attack on the US by terrorists? That was the killing of innocent civilians and totally unjustified. The attack by Saddam on his own people? Torturing, raping and killing thousands...yes totally unjustified. The bombings in the streets of Israel, Iran, Irag and Afghanastan that kill hundreds of innocent men, women and children...absolutely horrible. The senseless horror in the Sudan and Dufar?

The desire of America and it%26#039;s troops (all volunteer by the way) to stop this senseless killing, to protect the children and innocent civilians of these countries from being butchered by honorable.

There is justified war. It should not be motivated by the desire for power, or for land. It should not be to control, or irradicate a people..but there are times, when the oppressed need people of valor to come to their aid. Killing should never be the goal...but ending the bloodshed and protecting the human dignity and rights of all people, should be. If people are killed in that effort, then they died protecting the innocent and that is a death with honor. If people are killed trying to defend their power and control over others so they can continue to terrorize the innocent, then they are at fault for their own death because it was caused by their evil desires.

Comparing war to abortion is senseless...the unborn are not dying because of a greater good. They are not dying because they attacked or terrorized anyone. They are dying because they are unwanted, because they are not given the rights due all individuals. They are seen as less than human and the property of their mother.

We should not bomb civilians and we should not kill the unborn. We have killed almost 50,000,000 unborn babies. This is by far the greatest tragedy of all.
Reply:A baby is a presious gift from God and if you kill it

you will be held acountable.
Reply:I%26#039;m pro-life, meaning opposed to abortion AND war AND capital punishment AND euthanasia and all other forms of killing people before natural death.

You don%26#039;t know whether or not a fetus has a concpet of his/her own existence. It is not measurable, so nobody knows what a human fetus is capbable of.

I%26#039;ll tell you this, though. I have given birth to three living children and all three of them knew me instantly when they were born. They did not have to be taught that I was their mother. They responded to me totally differently than any other person. They also responded to my husband differently. They all knew his voice, because they heard his voice in the womb (albeit muted), and they remembered. Memory is brain function, dude.

But nobody knows how early brain function kicks in for a human fetus. The fact that it can%26#039;t be measured with our current technology doesen%26#039;t mean the brain function isn%26#039;t there. Ask any scientist.

Furthermore, from a scientific standpoint, not a religious one, a human fetus, even in the zygote stage just hours after the egg is fertilized, definitely meets the scientific definition of life (cell division + consumption). And the human zygote is genetically human, and genetically unique from the mother. So the fetus is not akin to a cancer growth (which has the mother%26#039;s dna). The fetus is a unique human life and deserves protection because he/she is unable to protect him/herself.

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